If you are an established business you can find an on-line quiz to analyse your business planning and control development
If you are a start up business you can find an on-line quiz to analyse your business planning and control development
Ibis creates expert systems and learning organisations through the development of the business planning platform, combining structures and systems to:
Create knowledge centres within the enterprise which improve competitive advantage, implementation and monitoring of business operations;
Quickly establish where the enterprise is currently positioned (where are we?);
Easily define clear objectives for future development over the planning horizon (where do we want to be and when?);
Identify the best options for investment and integrate these into overall business monitoring (how do we get there cost effectively?).
The results of the introduction of the PLANNING PLATFORM are improvements in all key performance indicators:
Gross profit improves by an average of 8 percentage points;
Return on capital employed improves by an average of 7 percentage points;
Customer satisfaction improves by an average of 15 percentage points;
Labour productivity improves by an average of 16 percentage points;
Skills levels increase by an average of 20 percentage points;
Rates of new product development increase by an average of 23 percentage points;
There are also improvements in overall rates of growth, significant improvements in cash flow, levels of employee satisfaction and reductions in rates of employee turnover.
Ibis services to early stage companies attempt to answer three different questions:
What is the true market opportunity?
Can the enterprise fully meet the product service requirements?
Does the proposed investment meet cash flow/profit/risk requirements?